WIT Retail Daily

Daily updates on Buy Box, 3P sellers, prices, offers, content, SEO, user reviews and questions.

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One step ahead of competitors

Witailer WIT is the key to winning the competition on Amazon, every day.

Buy Box & 3P

3P Seller Details

Discover the number of merchants competing for the same Buy Box and unveil the Buy Box Win Rate for each of them.

Lost Sales Opportunities

Based on your current sales data, our software can calculate lost sales opportunities.

Daily Buy Box Tracker

Get to know who is winning the Buy Box and measure pricing trends.
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Pricing & Deals

Price trends

Compare your products’ average price trend with that of other merchants.

Deals tracker

Analyze offers and promotions on your products and those of your competitors.

Promotional weight

Quantify the weight that the products on sale have on your sellout.
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Customer Voice

Reviews and rating KPI overview

Get to know how your products are rated by your customers analyzing the most important KPIs.

Competitive Benchmarking

Compare your catalog with that of the category best sellers and get a strategic point of reference for your performance.

Save time with export

Export in CSV or XLS all your reviews to manipulate the data with your favorite tools.
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Content & SEO

Catalog optimization assessment

Assess quickly which of your ASINs are out of sync with your official optimized content.

Merchandising Score & Clustering

Use a single KPI to assess the customer experience of your product page and improve your conversions.

Competitive benchmarking

Compare your catalog with that of the category best sellers and get a strategic point of reference for your performance.
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Contact us

Witailer was one of the first digital agencies focused on Amazon and Marketplace at European level.

Why Witailer
  • Tailored approach
  • Leader in Europe
  • 360° strategy
  • Proprietary technology
  • Cross-industry experience

Over the past 5 years, we have contributed to the launch of more than 45,000 products, generating a turnover of more than 1 billion euros worldwide.

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