
How to make your brand stand out on Miravia: comprehensive guide to Miravia Ads

July 12, 2024

Miravia has established itself as one of the leading marketplaces in Spain, distinguishing itself as one of the most downloaded apps on mobile devices. It offers a wide range of categories with mid to high-end products, primarily targeting young consumers. This article will explore how brands can stand out on Miravia using Miravia Ads to increase visibility and conversions.

The importance of organic optimization

Before understanding how sponsored advertising works on Miravia, it's necessary to take a step back and focus on the basics of organic optimization. The key steps are as follows:

  • Detailed and accurate descriptions: provide complete information that highlights the features and benefits of your products;
  • High-quality images: ensure that the images show the products from different angles and in high resolution;
  • Well-defined categories: properly classify products to facilitate user searches;
  • Relevant keywords: include specific search terms that your potential customers might use.

Miravia offers AI-based tools to facilitate the creation of product descriptions and titles. However, to ensure that your products meet the highest standards, it is advisable to perform these optimizations with the help of SEO experts like Witailer (read our article on the importance of SEO optimization on marketplaces).

Build trust and improve conversions with quality images

To establish a lasting connection with your potential customers, it is essential to offer complete and transparent information about your products. Include details about the brand, material, product specifications, trending keywords, and relevant information depending on the category.

These details can be integrated into product images and brand pages. Including this information not only helps customers make informed decisions but also increases the likelihood of conversion.

Miravia Ads: boost your visibility

Once a solid foundation of organic optimization is established, it's time to leverage the power of Miravia Ads to expand your reach and increase conversions. Miravia Ads offers various advertising options to effectively reach your target audience.

Strategic advertising spaces

Miravia strategically positions sponsored products on its platform, allowing you to highlight your products in:

  • Home Page: capture users' attention from the first moment;
  • Category Pages: reach users browsing specific categories;
  • Search Results Pages: attract users searching for specific products;
  • Product Detail Pages: promote your products to users who have already shown interest;
  • Recommendation Spaces: suggest your products to users based on their purchase and browsing history.

Sponsorship model: Cost per Click (CPC)

The Miravia Ads model operates through cost-per-click (CPC) campaigns. This means you only pay when a user clicks on your ad. Additionally, you can set a maximum daily budget and a maximum bid cost. When the daily budget is exhausted, the campaign will automatically pause and resume the next day.

Sponsored ads are identified with an icon in the top left corner that indicates "Sponsored": it is important to regularly check your account balance to avoid traffic or sales losses due to campaign pauses.

Types of campaigns

Miravia Ads offers three types of campaigns to meet your needs:

  1. Automatic Campaigns:
    • No need to select specific keywords or products;
    • The system decides which products have the most potential and the best keywords;
    • Ideal for automatically optimizing the promotion of high-potential products.
  2. Campaigns to Promote Specific Products:
    • Manually select the products and keywords to sponsor;
    • Requires a daily budget and manual management to optimize the visibility of specific products.
  3. Manual Campaigns:
    • Offer complete control over the selection of products, keywords, and ad placement;
    • You can set the daily budget, bid prices, and optimize based on performance.

Note: In automatic campaigns, Miravia's algorithm continuously optimizes to maximize clicks and improve product performance. This includes suggestions for price adjustments and the removal of low-performing keywords or products. Miravia recommends a minimum investment of 20 euros per day to maximize campaign effectiveness.


Witailer, as an official Miravia partner, is here to assist you at every stage of creating and managing your campaigns with Miravia Ads. Our team of experts will help you:

  • Define clear objectives for your campaigns;
  • Select the right target audience;
  • Create attractive and effective ads.
  • Continuously monitor performance and adjust campaigns as needed.

With the support of Witailer and the Miravia Ads platform, you have the power to grow your business and achieve success in the marketplace. Start standing out on Miravia today!

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